Paper Boy Paper Company enters the fray of Initiative 71-compliant delivery services in the District of Columbia as an immediate challenger for top dog. I'm excited to have another source I can enthusiastically recommend to you! PBPC is hot off the presses, so they reached out to the Gentleman for some ink. "We'd love to set up a product review with you. Is there a good time tomorrow to drop you off a gift bag?" Well, paint me purple! I've been smacking away at this ole keyboard since the spring. I'm deeply grateful to all the great folks that have donated cannabis for my review and, in so doing, helped me create an independent, consumer-focused voice in the District's cannabis community. That being said, it is about damn time somebody asked this Pretty Pink Princess to dance, and it feels awfully good. Speaking of, have you listened to Kiiara's low kii savage yet? Oh, you definitely should. I've made a habit of queuing up pop divas to help me get in the right mindset to write all summer and her superbly-produced EP easily got the heaviest rotation. But back to business. I checked out the website. It's sharp and easy to use. They sell a few brands of inexpensive rolling papers and pre-rolled cones, as you'd imagine, but also some luxury smoking accessories, like stashboxes, grinders, and Shine 24k Gold Rolling Papers. Their unique twist on the gift aspect is to assign gift sizes to the different delivery options. Same day delivery costs $120, usually takes an hour or less per their FAQ, and comes with 7 grams of cannabis. Next Day delivery costs $60, comes with 3.5 grams, and you'll choose between 3 different delivery windows. There's also a Standard delivery choice available to addresses outside the District, which costs only $5, but you get no gift with this option. "You must be really confident in your flowers," I said, because it should be well-established by this point that the Princess has standards. "The flowers are locally grown by a master cultivator with professional hydroponic experience," PBPC replied simply. After receiving my beautiful and thoughtfully-designed package (right on time as arranged, by the way) I'm convinced this is true.

They only have one strain in stock at the moment, but it's Master Kush, one of my favorites. Their site said as much, but I was glad to note that the gift was clearly labeled as such in the clear-front, smell-proof sack. I was concerned it may be a sleepier version of the strain, but it was just as energizing as Holistic Remedies' version, with a noted improvement- no paranoid edges to the head rush. The flowers are fresh as your be-mulleted, handsy ex-boyfriend, breath reeking of pumpkin Schnapps in the parking lot after Prom while his doofus minions hold back the new guy at school you just taught to Step It Up... I'm high, it's late, and I think there's a chance I've taken this dance analogy too far...

The manicure is excellent, every protruding stem trimmed, large trichomes speckled throughout and shining like stars through the trees. It has a clear, present nose of pepper that does not overwhelm. The smoke was impressively smooth in RAW papers and through my favorite glass spoon pipe (Mjolnir, because I'm a Marvel geek). Paper Boy Papers Company had every reason to be confident- their gifts are dispensary-quality, their branding and packaging is professional (I adore the "newspaper featuring Initiative 71-headline" concept from a design perspective), and you can expect prompt delivery.