Where Do I Buy Marijuana Seeds?
It wasn’t so long ago that you could hardly find a vendor shipping to the US of A, let alone one based within our borders! Many of us ogled bagseeds, imagining every mason jar in town overflowing as we paraded about, making fat nugs rain on all the squares, turning them from black & white Pleasantvilles into real Technicolor people. One day, we thought, things will be different.
And today is that today! Or yesterday was. The exact day doesn't matter, cause the future is here! Today! In case that was unclear! But what we didn’t envision was that buying seeds would feel like browsing through my immense streaming list of B-rated shark-based horror flicks. Hmm, do I feel like Ice Sharks tonight? No, it's summertime, and that's more a winter delicacy. Ouija Shark? No one is high enough for that. 6 Headed Shark? But I haven't even seen 5 Headed Shark yet. I'll be completely lost!

At the risk of seeming ungrateful, I’ve had nightmares about deciding whether to put cheese on a Whopper, and now I’m ordering for my future self from the menu of, oh, just everything that ever existed. Oh, woe is me, burdened under the weight of unlimited choices! And Whoppers! Y'know, it's probably more the Whoppers.
You may have heard that ordering seeds online is still illegal, but even legal weed is technically illegal according to the DEA. If we’re getting down to details, cannabis isn’t a controlled substance unless it contains over 0.3% THC, and ironically, since seeds have little to no THC, that state-legal joint on your lips is probably more illegal than a pack of seeds. I say probably cuz we're just passing along the word on the street. If you want to know if it's actually legal, hire a lawyer, pay a thousand bucks to hear them say what an interesting question it is, then several more thousand to hear 'it's inconclusive.' There, I just saved you a kajillion dollars and a wasted month.
Although the 2018 Farm Bill and subsequent FDA clarifications have bolstered the interpretation that seeds are de facto legal, vendors have adopted a novelty clause: Until they are in the hands of a legally compliant grower, marijuana seeds are for SOUVENIR PURPOSES ONLY! Or feeding the pigeons. We don’t recommend mooning the local sheriff with seed packs between your cheeks, okay? For everyone’s sake.
Now that's out of the way, let's get to capitalism-ing, baby! Here's a shortlist of our favorite U.S. cannabis seed boutiques, plus one classic Dutch vendor, that you might want to adopt your future weed babies from.

Neptune Seedbank
With 20 years in the game, nobody in the U.S. can match Neptune Seedbank's reputation. Their catalog offers a large and diverse selection but still carries a boutique feel. There are regular sales and clearances here, but you won’t find a wide selection of super cheap seeds. Higher end selections come in at over $100 a seed. Wow! I'm in the wrong business. That's way more than I make in tips farting into hotdog buns on Omegle. What? Hate the player, not the game, boo boo bear.
DC Seed Exchange
DCSE has a relatively small selection of breeders that includes big names and plenty of “underground” ones. It’s great for exploring legacy breeders that have operated independently and may be connecting with seed banks for the first time. Nearly everything is under $200 a pack and there’s over 100 selections for $50 or less! And it all started right here in Washington, DC under the auspices of Initiative 71. Can you believe its been five years?
Dagga Love
A sister of the Future Cannabis Project, you’ll find an eclectic listing of seeds provided by the show's guests and charity auction donations at Dagga Love. If you want to hear the story behind these genetics, chances are you can find the episode and hear it straight from the farmer. Their collection includes vintage landrace varieties and other unique or exclusive oddities. Check Future Cannabis Project for their seed auctions and you just might score something from a reserve stash that is rarely, if ever, available to the public. You sunuvabitch, you could be a part of weed history!
Authentic Genetics
The people and events that spawned the modern cannabis landscape have long been debated, but Todd McCormick and Mel Frank have teamed up to set the record straight with Authentic Genetics. Against a backdrop of lofty claims regarding legendary strains like Haze and Skunk #1, these two stand out with absolute authority. Mel Frank’s soft-spoken character, captured through the lens of incredible photography, is perfectly balanced by Todd McCormick’s outspoken and condemning activism. If you’ve ever wished for a time capsule that traces modern hybrids back to their roots, you simply can’t pass up the opportunity to experience the origin story for yourself.
Ah, now we're going old school. Old heads are undoubtedly familiar with European bank Seedsman from the back of High Times magazines and it's easy to see why they've built such a loyal following. In fact, I’ve yet to hear anything negative about this company in my research, and that includes their house line of seeds. The Dutch have dominated the global seed trade for ages- and not just weed. You won’t find a selection of hyped up exotics for pheno hunting here, no sir, just stable, robust plants that are bred for consistent, hassle-free results. Add in the site's powerful search features and you've got an excellent choice for beginners and vets alike.
We're confident that any of these seed banks will have you singing their praises like a ginger-haired choirboy in no time! And if you're looking for a great, standardized resource for tracing genetic lineage and other strain-specific research, Seed Finder is the best around. Happy pheno-hunting, friends!